Jason Jaskolka
Jason Jaskolka
Jaskolka is an Associate Professor at Carleton University within the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering. He is also the Director of the Cyber Security Evaluation and Assurance (CyberSEA) Research Lab and a licensed Professional Engineer registered with Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO).
His research interests are primarily in the area of cyber security evaluation and assurance for software-dependent systems. Broadly speaking, he conducts research that spans the areas of formal methods and data-driven approaches for software and security engineering. He is interested in exploring new ideas, techniques, and tools that can support:
Security Evaluation: How can we identify, analyze, and mitigate the effects of cyber-attacks and failures on system safety, security, and reliability? How can we measure the security of a system? How can we manage security evaluation as security requirements evolve over time?
Security Assurance: How can we assure users and regulators that the systems that we build, and their data, are secure?
System-Level Threat Modeling: How can we systematically identify, evaluate, and mitigate threats to the systems as a whole?
Security-By-Design: How can we design and engineer systems to operate in a zero-trust environment from their inception?
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